5 Training Mistakes That KILL Your Gainz
I remember when I was just starting out in the gym and building muscle was EASYYY… I’ve still got the stretch marks in my biceps and bum cheeks to prove it…
…this is where people will go “see I told you he’s not natty” — WRONG… stretch marks are just a sign of rapid growth.
And when you first start out in the gym we have this thing called “newbie gainz” where it pretty much doesn’t matter what you did… and if you trained like a nutter (like I did — not smart) you’d gain muscle FAST
The problem is, after 18 months to 2 years that wears off and its SLOWWWW from there…
But anyway like most people I tried to continue training that way because… “it worked” and I didn’t realise the mistakes I was making. The mistake I now look back on and now know with certainty were KILLING my progress 😩
Here’s my top 5 Training Mistakes to avoid killing your gainz. Number #5 might surprise you 👀 👀
💪1. The Classic Bro Split
I know there’s no feeling quite like it. And that when you try any other training split it doesn’t feel like you’ve trained that muscle group hard enough BUT it is, unfortunately a sub-optimal training split. That doesn’t mean you should do it…
A more effective training programme enables you to train the muscle with intent multiple times a week
📊2. Not Deloading
A deload is a hidden gem of a muscle building secret. Of course it’s important to push ourselves in training as much as we can. However we also need to give our body time to recover, adapt and most importantly, grow
It’s typically a good idea to have a deload every 6–12 weeks. If you don’t ever feel the need for a deload your training is probably too easy
⏱3. Short Rest Periods
I use to think the more I could do in a session the better and every second I rested I was wasting valuable lifting time. Resting for 60 seconds between sets is just not enough and will detriment the meaningful volume you can put through your muscle.
This will also mean you need to be smart with the exercises you pair together on supersets…
💭 4. Over Thinking
I use look online and find a programme which I’d pick based on how good the guys body promoting it was. I’d then see another programme from a different guy which suggested I should be doing eccentric training, and then someone else saying something different, then someone else saying something different again. It became confusing and over complicated so I’d end up doing ineffective mashups programs and with ineffective exercises
Should I be doing partial reps? What about training to failure, supersets, strip sets, strength phase etc?… AHHH
Probably the most controversial point here… but DON’T be afraid to put LAGGING or weaker body parts at the start of the session.
YES! It’s absolutely fine and in some cases, such as for bodybuilding, SUPERIOR to put isolation exercises BEFORE compound exercises.
^^ read that again
If you want bigger quads, there’s nothing wrong with putting a Leg Extension at the start of your session and Barbell squats at the end!
If you’re struggling to build muscle as fast as you would like… REMEMBER THIS:
It’s what we do outside of the gym (the stuff virtually nobody knows about) that accelerates and elevates the effects of what you do in the gym. Don’t sell yourself short of achieving your true potential and shift some of that focus to the stuff outside of the gym
If you’re serious about building muscle download my FREE Muscle Build Secrets Blackbook here and I’ll show you the exact steps to take
Good luck!
Dave Feather
PS — You’re just one workout away…
Office Professional Turn Pro Fitness Model Champion
- Personal Trainer and Online Coach
You can reach me at www.dave-feather.com